
TikTok Shop包裹妥投失败退回海外仓销毁,商家应如何处理?本文将为您提供关于TikTok Shop包裹妥投失败退回海外仓销毁的商家处理方法指南。

1个月前发布 295







  • 包裹到达目的国后,在尾程物流商派送过程中,服务商会进行1-3次派送尝试;

  • 因为地址原因、收件人不在家、包裹未及时自提、收件人拒收等原因导致包裹妥投失败;

  • 东南亚跨境COD收件人拒收也属于妥投失败的一种;



  • 销毁/弃件:包裹退回到海外仓,保留时效内未发起退回重派请求,包裹超期被销毁或弃件;
  • 妥投:包裹首次妥投失败后,在正式退回海外仓前客户及时自取或申请重派;或退回海外仓后退回重派成功,包裹妥投;
  • 丢失:海外退件时间过长,服务商无法确定包裹状态或海外退件途中丢失;
  • 破损:海外退件途中包裹被损坏等服务商承认包裹破损的场景

TikTok Shop平台减少派送失败措施


  • 包裹进入到目的国派送阶段后,TikTok Shop平台会在物流节点"派送开始、到达待取、派送异常"触发给买家的站内信以及C端弹窗,以提醒买家及时关注包裹动态并主动获取包裹;

  • 该触达功能已于2022.7月底上线


  • 用户下单时,TikTok Shop平台会对错误地址信息以及偏远不可达地址进行校验,从源头上减少地址错误导致派送失败的情况,从而降低您因为派送失败而要遭受的订单损失



  • 包裹在目的国妥投失败,退回到海外退件仓后,自动触发温馨提示,会在客户轨迹页面显示相关提示话术,告知客户包裹的退回状态,从而引导客户尽快选择退款或退回重派;

  • 该功能即将上线






  • RM

Dear Customer,

We are very glad that you choose TikTok Shop and we hope you have a wonderful shopping experience with us. We understand that some of our Tracking Messages can be confusing. Here below you'll find some of the common terms and what you should do for your easy reference.

1. 'Delivery can't be completed'

We suggest you to get to the page of 'Track Your Item' with following link (物流追踪 to find out the reason if the status of your parcel shown as 'Delivery can't be completed'.


2. 'Incorrect addressed / Returned to sender'

Please contact Royal Mail directly with the contact number below to rectify your current shipping address and they will help you with this by either arranging a redelivery or self-collection.

Contact Number: 03457-740-740 / 03457-777-888

They are available on:

Monday to Friday: 07:00 - 20:00

Saturday: 08:00 - 18:00

Sunday: 09:00 - 16:00

And Royal Mail also provides a contact option for hard of hearing. The contact number is 03456-000-606 which is available at 08:00 - 18:00 from Monday to Friday and 08:00 - 13:00 on Saturday.

Please feel free to find more details with: 帮助中心


3. 'Parcel missing in Post Office or returned to sender'

Don't worry. You can place a refund request immediately to get your money back or, if you prefer to get your parcel, please contact TikTok Shop to submit a redelivery ticket so as to trigger the reshipment once upon the parcel arrives at the warehouse.

Please provide TikTok Shop with your full address, which should include Flat/House number, Street Name and Number, Country, Postcode. You will get updated with the new tracking number of redelivery on the ticket.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the failed delivery. We are dedicated to creating a wonderful logistics experience just for you.


  • Evri

Dear Customer,

We are very glad that you choose TikTok Shop and we hope you have a wonderful shopping experience with us. We understand that some of our Tracking Messages can be confusing. Here below you'll find some of the common terms and what you should do for your easy reference.


1. 'Delivery can't be completed'

We suggest you to get to the page of 'Track Your Item' with following link (物流追踪 ) to find out the reason if the status of your parcel shown as 'Delivery can't be completed'.


2. 'Incorrect addressed / Returned to sender'

Please contact Evri directly with the contact number below to rectify your current shipping address and they will help you with this by either arranging a redelivery or self-collection.

Contact Number: 03446443555 or 0330 808 5456

They are available on:

Monday to Saturday: 08:00 - 18:00

Please feel free to find more details with:(帮助中心


3. 'Parcel missing in Post Office or returned to sender'

Don't worry. You can place a refund request immediately to get your money back or, if you prefer to get your parcel, please contact TikTok Shop to submit a redelivery ticket so as to trigger the reshipment once upon the parcel arrives at the warehouse.

Please provide TikTok Shop with your full address, which should include Flat/House number, Street Name and Number, Country, Postcode. You will get updated with the new tracking number of redelivery on the ticket.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the failed delivery. We are dedicated to creating a wonderful logistics experience just for you.


  • Yodel

Dear Customer,

We are very glad that you choose TikTok Shop and we hope you have a wonderful shopping experience with us. We understand that some of our Tracking Messages can be confusing. Here below you'll find some of the common terms and what you should do for your easy reference.

1. 'Delivery can't be completed'

We suggest you to get to the page of 'Track Your Item' with following link (物流追踪) to find out the reason if the status of your parcel shown as 'Delivery can't be completed'.


2. 'Incorrect addressed / Returned to sender'

Please contact Yodel directly with the contact number below to rectify your current shipping address and they will help you with this by either arranging a redelivery or self-collection.

Contact Number: 0344 342 3157 / 0344 755 0117

They are available on:

Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 20:00

Saturday: 08:00 - 17:00

Please feel free to find more details with: 帮助中心


3. 'Parcel missing in Post Office or returned to sender'

Don't worry. You can place a refund request immediately to get your money back or, if you prefer to get your parcel, please contact TikTok Shop to submit a redelivery ticket so as to trigger the reshipment once upon the parcel arrives at the warehouse.

Please provide TikTok Shop with your full address, which should include Flat/House number, Street Name and Number, Country, Postcode. You will get updated with the new tracking number of redelivery on the ticket.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the failed delivery. We are dedicated to creating a wonderful logistics experience just for you.


  • NJV

Hi, dear. If the shipping history of your parcel in TikTok Shop shows as 'Delivery can't be completed', please go to page "NJV Track Your Item" and check the reason.

If the reason shows 'Incorrect addressed. Returned to sender', please contact NJV to provide them your correct full address so as to ask for a redelivery or self-collection. You could go to the page "NJV Chat" and talk to one of their customer service team 9am - 7pm, Mondays to Saturdays, and 9am - 6pm on Sundays, excluding public holidays, or call them anytime from 8am to 10pm from Mondays to Saturdays (excluding public holidays) for assistance.

If NJV responds that the parcel is no longer in the post office and has been returned to sender, please no worries. You could submit a refund request immediately to get your money back or if you prefer to get your parcel, please contact TikTok Shop to submit a redelivery ticket and trigger the reshipment once upon the parcel arrives at the warehouse. Please provide TikTok Shop with your full address, which should include flat/house number, street number and street name, country and a corresponding postcode. You will get updated with the new tracking number of redelivery on the ticket.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this failed delivery. We are working with TikTok Shop to provide better logistics experience. Thank you for your support!



  • 尾程服务商一般会对包裹进行1~3次妥投尝试,在初步派送失败后但退回海外仓之前,包裹通常会在当地邮局或服务点储存一段时间。

  • 该期间内买家可以自行联系尾程服务商进行自取或者免费重派:

  1. 此种重派不会产生新的物流单号,无需提交平台退回重派工单;

  1. 如果买家想派送到另一个地址,该地址必须与前一个地址在一个片区,具体的以用户和物流商沟通结果为准。

  1. 物流轨迹里有Delivery Attempted 或 Pending等字样,e.g。



  • UK

服务商:Royal Mail

联系方式:03457 777 888 / 03457 740 740


工作时间:周一到周五 7am-8pm; 周六8am-6pm,周日 9am-4pm





工作时间:周一到周五 8am-8pm;周六 8am-5pm


  • SEA




  1. MY:+60 111 7225600 联系方式

  1. PH:(02) 82711501 联系方式

  1. TH:1469 联系方式

  1. SG:+65 6602 8271 联系方式

  1. VN:+84 1900 886 877 联系方式



  1. MY: 官网链接

  1. PH : 官网链接

  1. TH: 官网链接

  1. SG: 官网链接

  1. VN: 官网链接


工作时间:周一到周六9am - 7pm; 周日9am - 6pm





  • 包裹首次妥投派送失败后,包裹会在当地站点停留一段时间,在此期限内,收件人可联系当地尾程服务商及时自取或安排再次派送(如有此服务);该情况不属于平台定义的退回重派,因此买卖家侧无需提交退回重派工单;

  • 包裹在目的国尾程妥投失败退回,明确退回至海外仓后,包裹会在服务商海外退件仓保留一定时间,该保留时效内,买卖家可以提交退回重派工单,该场景为平台定义的退回重派;与上述消费者自取或重派不同,退回重派通常会换单重派,且产生新的运单号,也会产生一定的改派费用;



  • 为了降低因派送失败而导致商家可能遭受商品损失的风险,同时提升用户体验,每个确认海外派送失败的订单都可以被发起一次免费的退回重派申请,当前平台合作所有服务商都可提供该服务;

  • 涉及到收件人地址信息的合规问题,当前平台优先处理由买家发起的退回重派申请,如果您希望对某一个订单发起退回重派,请优先建议买家去向平台发起改派工单;

  • 当订单物流节点变为“Delivery can't be completed”的5~12天内(不同包裹销毁前保留时效有所区别,提交工单后,平台客服会对时效进行审核)买卖家可向平台客服发起改派申请(每个订单支持改派一次)。

  • 平台收到工单需求后,会进行地址和时效审核,审核通过后,会在2个工作日内联系物流商进行改派。在LSP存在工单、且未关闭的情况下,后期的退回重派处理结果及新物流单号会更新到工单中。



在尾程服务商官网里查询到包裹已经退回(物流轨迹里有returned to sender 或 overseas return等字样 e.g)


尾程派送失败,用户没有签收,用户侧的订单物流状态为Delivery can't be completed





  • 商家

  1. 您可在商家后台>帮助中心>我的工单>创建客服工单,选择Order Fulfillment-Logistics and Fulfillment --> Re-delivery request,工单信息中需包含:订单号,物流单号tracking number

  1. 您可以提交退回重派工单询问平台客服某一订单是否满足退回重派的前提条件,若包裹可退回重派,则您需要联系并建议买家尽快提交买家侧的重派工单,并建议买家将重派地址(需包括 买家姓名、电话和新地址,新地址需要精确到⻔牌号,街道号和街道名字及其对应的邮编)附到买家侧工单里

  1. 平台收到工单需求后,会进行地址和时效审核,审核通过后,会在2个工作日内联系物流商进行改派。在LSP存在工单、且未关闭的情况下,后期的退回重派处理结果及新物流单号会更新到工单中。



  • 买家:买家创建工单可遵循如下步骤:Fulfillment&delivery -- Delivery service-- Redelivery service






新包裹妥投成功后,物流同学将手动将订单状态推送到Delivered,所以对于用户来说,可在TikTok Shop内查看到的物流状态最后的两个节点依次为Delivery can't be completed-->Delivered



  • 包裹妥投失败后,您可以提交工单和平台客服确认包裹是否已经退回到海外退件仓;若包裹已经确认退回且买家无改派请求,则这种情况下需要您承担该订单的全部损失;

  • 针对东南亚跨境COD拒收订单,这种也属于妥投失败,该情况下也需要您承担该订单的全部损失;

  • 确认妥投失败的订单后续如订单物流状态变为Lost或damage,则您可以联系平台客服申请索赔,平台客服核实后会为您全额退款;

  • 服务商已经确认妥投失败,且处于海外退件状态的订单,如消费者表示不再需要该包裹,您可以优先建议买家申请退款。




  • Royal Mail: 门户网站; 单号格式:W00000GB / U00000GB
  • Yodel:
  1. MY: 官网链接
  1. PH : 官网链接
  1. TH: 官网链接
  1. SG: 官网链接
  1. VN: 官网链接


  • Yodel: 门户网站;单号格式:YT00000查找尾程单号
  • Hermes/Evri: 门户网站 单号格式:TikTok Shop提供单号可查



注意:使用尾程的tracking number查看包裹的物流详情,如果有显示incorrect addressed,则代表用户地址错误,无法妥投。



  • 包裹会先退回到邮局,邮局一般会累积一些包裹后(也有可能不累积),再统一退到海外退件仓



  • 一般是从商品到达退件仓当天(含)开始计算,由于包裹退回退件仓后,不同服务商对包裹保留时效为7~20天不等,超出保留时效的包裹会被销毁;
  • 所以退回重派工单必须在货物退到退件仓起的5~12天内(不含到仓当天)被发起,平台客服会对时效和地址进行审核,审核通过后会交由服务商进行重派;
  • 若工单未被关闭,则服务商会在工单内反馈退回重派的结果以及改派新单号;
  • 通过Royal Mail网站查询时,到达退件仓的物流状态节点有多个措辞描述,如:Returned to sender;Item received(当Item received节点出现多次时,以最后一次出现的时间为计算起点)




  • 云途:每周一/三/五与Royal Mail联系处理退回重派,一般情况下是隔天(每周二/四/六)出具重派tracking number;
  • 燕文:统一时间(一般是一周一次或在截止时间)提交给供应商,供应商5-10个工作日安排重派并回传新单号;
  • CNE: 有重派请求时可以做到每天都安排重派并将单号回传,最新四月份平均重派时效是3天;
  • 万邦: 周一至周五15:00前收到的重派请求会当天处理,否则会顺延一个工作日;
  • NJV: 有重派请求时可以做到每天都安排重派并将单号回传,新重派单号在原单号后+z即重拍单号



退回重派中的时候,系统上暂时没有新增变化,系统不会禁止用户退款,用户也无法在TikTok Shop 内追踪到退回重派的包裹。短期需要商服在工单里提醒商家不要同意退款。长期期望产品能力能做到

  • C端:不可以发起退款;能追踪到退回重派的轨迹;提示包裹正在退回重派中
  • B端:能追踪到退回重派的轨迹;提示包裹正在退回重派中
